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发布日期:2021-09-03   点击量:   作者:research 



  • I. 专著、译著

  • 1 专著:《<易经>英译的符号学研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2016.【获2019年山东省第三十三届社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖。】

  • 2 专著:《<易经>之三元解读与三维英译》,上海外语教育出版社,2018. 【纳入SFLEP学研论丛;获2020年山东省2第三十四届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖。】

  • 3 译著:Getting to Know Master Zhu Xi: English Translation of Selections from Zhuzi Yulei《<朱子语类>选译》(汉英对照),中国社会科学出版社,2018.

  • 4 译著:A Critique of Translation Studies in Chinese Translation: From Dao’an to Fu Lei. (《中国传统译论经典诠释——从道安道傅雷》英文版) Salt Lake City (USA): American Academic Press, 2018. (国家社科基金中华学术外译项目资助)【获2021年山东省2第三十五届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖。】

  • 5 译著:Selections from Classified Conversations of Zhu Xi(《朱子语类选》汉英对照,英译者),广西师范大学出版社,2014.(纳入《大中华文库》)

  • 6 译著:Gems of Classical Chinese Prose(《古文观止》汉英对照,主要英译者)。Foreign Language Press, 2021 .(纳入国家出版基金《大中华文库》)

  • 7 译著:A Brief History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture(《中国审美文化简史》英文版,第二英译者),项目出版社(德国),2019.(国家社科基金中华学术外译项目资助)

  • 8 编译:《汉英成语大词典》(A Dictionary of Chinese-English Idioms 副主编),大连海事大学出版社,2017. (国家出版基金资助)

  • 9 译著:《中国慈善捐赠机制研究》(A Study of the Charitable Mechanisms in Contemporary China 第二英译者), Springer (德国) (forthcoming)(国家社科基金中华学术外译项目资助)

  • 10 译著:Pragmatic and Cultural Information in a Chinese-English Learner's Dictionary(《外向型汉英学习词典研究:语用视角与文化向度》合译),外语教学与研究出版社,2019.

  • 11 译著:The Celestial Medical Star Shines on You and Me. Foreign Language Press, 2021.

  • II. 中文期刊论文(首位)

  • 令文义圆通,使微言不坠:鸠摩罗什佛经翻译“圆通论”诠释.《中国翻译》,2021(2).

  • 论先秦古籍翻译中文本与传注译文内容同质化的问题——以《周易》及其林理璋英译为例[J].《人大报刊复印资料 · 语言文字学》(全文转载),2020(1).

  • “B是A的译文”,意味着什么?——试据对唐诗“清明”及其英译的语篇认识世界分析进行解答[J].《语言教育》,2019(4).

  • 论先秦古籍翻译中文本与传注译文内容同质化的问题[J].《北京第二3868银河总站学报》,2019(3).

  • 儒家典籍《朱子语类》英译探索——以《朱子语类选》和《朱子语类选译》为例[J].《孔学堂》,2018(4).

  • 释旧出新、融西立中,中国传统译论的更生与中国翻译学的宏阔图景——王宏印新版《中国传统译论经典诠释》述评[J].《上海翻译》,2018(6).

  • 论《易经》英译文本批评的四重复合模式——兼谈先秦典籍外译文本批评[J].《中国文化研究》,2017(4).

  • 从“译味”看Hamlet的汉译——以朱生豪、梁实秋、王宏印和黄国彬译本“戏中戏”译文为例[J].《外语教学》,2017(5).

  • 闵福德《易经》英译与《易经》外译的两个系统——兼论中华古籍外译的当代化取向[J].《燕山大学学报》,2017(2).

  • 朝向民族典籍翻译多元共生、色彩斑斓的图景——《中华民族典籍翻译研究概论》述评[J].《民族翻译》,2016(3).

  • 对理雅各和卫礼贤后《易经》英译本的描述性评析[J].《周易研究》,2016(3).

  • 从文化符号学标出理论看《易经》经文的标出性[J].《符号与传媒》,2016(春季号).

  • 论作为佛经翻译批评家的鸠摩罗什[J].《西北民族大学学报》,2016(2).

  • 论《易经》卦爻辞的文史哲三元构成[J].《江西社会科学》,2015(11).

  • 《人间词话》英译本对原文征引-评论关系的再现研究[J].《燕山大学学报》,2015(4).

  • 英语世界对《人间词话》的翻译与研究概述[J]. 《燕山大学学报》,2015(1). 【2018年1月评选为《燕山大学学报》2015年度优秀论文】

  • 侧重文论思想传播的中国古典文论文本英译评析— 以《大中华文库·文心雕龙》为例[J]. 《河北工业大学学报》,2015(2).

  • 论莎剧复译对本土自然语言资源的吸收-以王宏印汉译《哈姆雷特》为例[J].《世界文学评论》,2014(3).

  • 中国传统文论文本英译的问题与对策研究[J],《未来与发展》,2014(12).

  • 论莎剧汉译中文学性与表演性兼顾问题— 以王宏印《哈姆雷特》译本民歌翻译为例[J].《浙江3868银河总站学报》,2014(4).

  • 妙笔灵动 珠联璧合-王宏印《哈姆雷特》新译本特色和创新研究[J],《西安外国语大学学报》,2014(2).

  • 论翻译认知世界和语篇翻译认知原则[J],《中国海洋大学学报社科版》,2014(1).

  • 中国文化典籍英译出版存在的问题—以《大中华文库·二十四诗品》为例[J],《当代外语研究》2013(11).

  • 论翻译主体及其范畴与译者主体性的本质[J],《天津外国语大学学报》,2013(3).

  • 加强民族典籍翻译及其研究 促进民族关系和谐发展[J],《大连民族学院学报》,2013(4).

  • 新世纪以来国内关于鸠摩罗什的研究述评及展望[J],《河北理工大学学报》,2013(4).

  • 鸠摩罗什的翻译批评途径[J],《译苑》,2013(2).

  • 马建忠翻译观的历史命运:基于系统观的解读[J],《东岳论丛》,2007(6).

  • 论中国传统译论的批评属性[J],《东岳论丛》,2006(5).  


  • III. 英文期刊论文(首位)

  • “A Retrospect of Studies of Traditional Chinese Translation Theory in China in the Past Forty Years: Mainly with Reference to the Mainland of China”, Athens Journal of Philology, 2019, vol. 6, issue 1: 35-52. (https://doi.org/10.30958/ajp.6-1-3)

  • “Translating Zhuzi Yulei into English: With Special Reference to the Two Latest Translations”, Confucian Academy, 2018(4).

  • “Thick Translation” and Translating Zhuzi Yulei into English [J]. Translating China. 2015 (1).


  • IV. 汉语国学期刊论文英译

  • Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi on Yu:          Differential Confucian Theories of Yu          in Light of the Desire Theory in          Contemporary Western Ethics,Confucian Academy, 2021(3).
  • “When the Mind is Bright and Clear, All Evils Evaporate: Wang Yangming's Views on Evil from the Angle of the Unity of Knowing and Acting”, Confucian Academy, 2021(2).

  • “Zhang Zai's Concept of the 'Knowledge of Moral Nature'”, Confucian Academy, 2021(1).

  • On Yin–Yang Circulation in Meng Xi and Jing Fang's Gua-Qi Theories and Its Influence [J]. Confucian Academy, 2020(4).

  • “Disciplining Oneself”and“Disciplining Others”in Social Life: On the Contemporary Significance of Confucius's Principle of Loyalty and Reciprocity [J]. Confucian Academy, 2020(3).

  • The Relationship between Wang Yangming and Lu Xiangshan in the Light of “On Eradicating the Root and Source of Evil”[J]. Confucian Academy, 2020(3).

  • On the Confucian Turn from Heaven to Mind as the Original Substance: Focusing on the Chan Influence on the Neo-Confucian Philosophy of the Mind[J]. Confucian Academy, 2020(2).

  • Guanzhong School and the Yangming School in the Middle Ming Dynasty [J]. Confucian Academy, 2020(1).

  • Ming–Qing Ritual-Based Society under the Influence of Zhu Xi's Doctrine of Ritual: The Dimension of

  • Outer Kingliness in Neo-Confucianism [J]. Confucian Academy, 2020(1).

  • Principle and the Positioning of His Material Force Theory[J]. Confucian Academy, 2020(1).

  • “Unity of Knowledge and Action” and “Conviction by Examining Motivation”[J]. Confucian Academy, 2019(4).

  • Self-Cultivation and Serious Work in the Confucian Choice of Value: The Shift in Zhu Xi's Theory of Equilibrium and Harmony[J]. Confucian Academy, 2019(4).

  • Liang Qichao on the Unity of Knowledge and Action[J]. Confucian Academy, 2019(3).

  • The Triple Purpose of Zhang Zai's Scholarship: A Study of His Four Ontological Goals[J]. Confucian Academy, 2019(2).

  • Forty Years of Research on the Book of Changes in China [J]. Confucian Academy, 2019(2).

  • Returning to Texts and Questions in Zhu Xi Studies: Author's Preface for Rereading Zhu Xi [J]. Confucian Academy, 2019(1).

  • Expressing Immeasurable Meaning through Simple Words: Xiong Shili on the Great Learning [J]. Confucian Academy, 2018(4).

  • Retrospect and Prospect of Daoist Studies in China since 1978 [J]. Confucian Academy, 2018(3).

  • The Historical Status, Spiritual Realm, and Moral Integrity of Zhang Zai and the Guanzhong School[J]. Confucian Academy, 2018(2).

  • Generative Thinking as the Essential of Changes Studies [J]. Confucian Academy, 2018(1).

  • Revisiting Wang Yangming's Theory of Knowledge and Action and Wang Fuzhi's Critique [J].  Confucian Academy, 2018(1).

  • The Role of Yijing Studies in Enhancing Cultural Self-Confidence[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017(4).

  • Yijing Studies and Cultural Self-Confidence[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017(4).

  • Zhang Zai's “Inquiring into the Inscrutable and Understanding the Transformation”[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017 (3).

  • Dialogue between the Yijing and the Bible: French Jesuit Joachim Bouvet's Interpretation of the “Meng Hexagram”[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017 (3).

  • Wang Yangming's “Instructions for Disciples at Longchang" and Its Significance to Educational Philosophy[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017 (2).

  • Pre-Institutional Confucianism: Existence, Transformation, and Modern Inspiration[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017 (2).

  • Zhang Zai's Doctrine of Daxin Tiwu and the Rationalist Tradition of Confucianism[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017 (2).

  • Rite-Based Education as a Central Theme of Zhang Zai's Educational Philosophy[J]. Confucian Academy, 2017 (1).

  • 儒家的“滑坡论证”[J],孔学堂(中文版)2017(1).

  • Huang Zongxi's Argument Concerning Mencius 2A:6 in My Teacher Comments on the Mencius [J]. Confucian Academy, 2017 (1).

  • A Different Voice in Qing Thought: Revisiting the Political Philosophy of Wang Fuzhi [J]. Confucian Academy, 2016 (4).

  • Family Values in Confucianism and Its Application to Modern Enterprise[J]. Confucian Academy, 2016 (3).

  • Qu Wanli's Study of Yijing[J]. Confucian Academy, 2016 (2).

  • Three Dimensions of Wang Yangming's “On Eradicating the Root and Source of Evil”[J]. Confucian Academy, 2016 (2).

  • Ganquan Theory of Mind and Civilizing the Contemporary Mindset[J]. Confucian Academy, 2016 (1).

  • Zhong Tai and the History of Chinese Philosophy as a Modern Discipline[J]. Confucian Academy, 2015(4).

  • The Influence of Pre-Qin Dialectical Thinking on Ancient Logical Studies of Names: With Special Reference to the Pre-Qin Confucianism[J]. Confucian Academy, 2015(3).


  • VI. 论文集论文(首位)

  • 中外文化交流视域下的“大中华文库”版《文赋》英译评析[A].《中国文化术语传播论文集》[C],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2021.

  • 中华文化传播视域下汉英成语词典词条右项释义模式分析[A].《中华思想文化国际传播研讨会论文集》[C],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2020.

  • 《中庸》诠释史视野中的《中庸》英译考察——以《中庸》题名和首句英译为例[A]. 《中华思想文化术语学术论文集》(第二辑). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2019.

  • 《易经》英译现状与《易经》复译努力的取向— 兼论中国古籍外译的多样性问题[A]。《典籍翻译研究》(第九辑)[C],外语教学与研究出版社,2019.

  • 闵福德《易经》英译与《易经》外译的两个系统——兼论中华古籍外译的当代化取向[再版][A]. 《中学西传:典籍翻译研究开新篇(2013—2018)》[C],燕山大学出版社,2018.

  • 让中国译论走出去——从两本译著看中国传统译论基本术语的英译[A]. 《中华思想文化术语国际传播论坛文集》[C]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2017.

  • 文史哲三元剖析 真善美三维解译—《易经》卦爻辞的解读和英译研究[A]. 《典籍翻译研究》(第八辑)[C],外语教学与研究出版社,2017.

  • 中国传统文论典籍英译批评研究——以《大中华文库•文赋》为例[A]. 西南交通大学出版社,2016.

  • 中国儒家典籍《朱子语类》英译探索[A]. 典籍翻译研究(第七辑)[C]. 外语教学与研究出版社,2015.

  • 论中国传统译论的批评属性[再版][A].《中国传统译论思想论集》[C],中国海洋大学出版社,2015.


  • VII. 其他

  • 儒学传统与当代中国译论建构路径和方法(网刊短文). 《文明互鉴·文明互译“百家谈”36》,2021.

  • 一部《易经》域外传播和接受研究的开拓之作——评《英语世界的<易经>研究》[J].《燕山大学学报》,2019(3).

  • 典籍翻译家:“封面学者:王宏印教授”,《广西民族大学学报》,2014(3).